
Non-Negotiable Beverages
Vocabulary One
Vocabulary Two

Appetizers: Reading Guides
(Please choose one)

Mild: Study Guide
Create and answer level I and II questions for the book as you read. Make sure you do at least one question for every two pages.

Medium/Spicy: Log/Journal
A log or journal needs to include at least two of the following:
A summary of the section you have read
A quotation and an explanation of why you liked the quotation
Text-self, text-text, or text-world connections

Side dishes: Reading Enhancement
(Please choose two)

Mild: Quotation Analysis
(This is in addition to the one we will do in class!!)
Choose two passages from your book that you think are especially important and discuss the following:
Big Ideas
Cave Connections

Medium: Character Perspective

Write a letter from one character to another (using the same rubric as the letters from our previous unit) explaining how the character should not sell him or herself short, that the character is capable of far more than he or she thinks. Some suggestions (on other side):

Steve to Ms. Petrocelli
Mr. Sawicki to Steve
Mr. and Mrs. Harmon to each other, about Steve

Spicy: Response to Text
In a fully developed response to text, explore the following question:
How does Steve’s idea of prison relate to the idea of the cave?
(in other words, with his movie, is Steve creating a cave or is he capturing True Knowledge?)
Remember to include all of the important elements of a response to text.

Main Dish: Personal Reflection


In a two-page (typed, double-spaced) personal essay, explore how an relationship in your life is similar to or different from one of Steve’s relationship. Discuss what you learned from this experience and how your learning was similar to or different from Steve’s. Some suggestions:
A parent who was disappointed in you
A teacher who helped you discover something new
An authority figure who doesn’t completely trust you


In a two-page (typed, double-spaced) personal essay, explore how an experience in your life is similar to or different from one of Steve’s experiences. Discuss what you learned from this experience and how your learning was similar to or different from Steve’s. Some suggestions:
A difficult experience you had to work through
A time when you were treated differently from those around you
A time when you got in a lot of trouble without meaning to do something wrong


In a two-page (typed, double spaced) personal essay/response to text combination, explore how the idea of Plato’s Cave connects with both you and the book. Some guiding questions:
How does Steve’s movie help him face reality? (or leave the cave)
How have you escaped from yours?
What have you both discovered that relates to the idea of True Knowledge?


A Photostory Project exploring who YOU are (not the person you may pretend to be at times)
A similar project based on other creative arts (music, drawing, writing, sewing, etc)
An extended personal essay exploring your life up to this point (3+ pages)
A YouTube video representation (or similar creative representation) of Plato’s Cave

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